Nya YA-boksläpp Vecka 12!

19 Mar

Ännu en fullspäckad vecka med massor av nya härliga boksläpp!

Titel: A Temptation of Angels

Författare: Michelle Zink

Even angels make mistakes in this page-turning epic romance… 

When her parents are murdered before her eyes, sixteen-year-old Helen Cartwright finds herself launched into an underground London where a mysterious organization called the Dictata controls the balance of good and evil. Helen learns that she is one of three remaining angelic descendants charged with protecting the world’s past, present, and future. Unbeknownst to her, she has been trained her whole life to accept this responsibility. Now, as she finds herself torn between the angelic brothers protecting her and the devastatingly handsome childhood friend who wants to destroy her, she must prepare to be brave, to be hunted, and above all to be strong, because temptation will be hard to resist, even for an angel. 

Ännu mer paranormal Romance med änglar. Tycker om framsidan.

Titel: Croak
Serie: Croak 1
Författare: Gina Damico 

Sixteen-year-old Lex Bartleby has sucker-punched her last classmate. Fed up with her punkish, wild behavior, her parents ship her off to upstate New York to live with her Uncle Mort for the summer, hoping that a few months of dirty farm work will whip her back into shape. But Uncle Mort’s true occupation is much dirtier than that of shoveling manure. 

He’s a Grim Reaper. And he’s going to teach her the family business. 

Lex quickly assimilates into the peculiar world of Croak, a town populated entirely by reapers who deliver souls from this life to the next. Along with her infuriating yet intriguing partner Driggs and a rockstar crew of fellow Grim apprentices, Lex is soon zapping her Targets like a natural born Killer. 

Yet her innate ability morphs into an unchecked desire for justice—or is it vengeance?—whenever she’s forced to Kill a murder victim, craving to stop the attackers before they can strike again. So when people start to die—that is, people who aren’t supposed to be dying, people who have committed grievous crimes against the innocent—Lex’s curiosity is piqued. Her obsession grows as the bodies pile up, and a troubling question begins to swirl through her mind: if she succeeds in tracking down the murderer, will she stop the carnage—or will she ditch Croak and join in?

OMG! Älskar stilen på omslaget! Vill läsa den här! Har dock inte bara läst det första stycket i den superlånga beskrivningen för jag vill inte bli spoilad. Men den verkar vara precis i min smak! Har en liknande idé till ett manus 🙂 


Titel: Ichiro
Författare: Ryan Inzana

Ichiro lives in New York City with his Japanese mother. His father, an American soldier, was killed in Iraq. Now, Ichi’s mom has decided they should move back to Japan to live with Ichi’s grandfather.
Grandfather becomes Ichi’s tour guide, taking him to temples as well as the Hiroshima Peace Park, where Ichi starts to question the nature of war. After a supernatural encounter with the gods and creatures of Japanese mythology, Ichi must face his fears if he is to get back home. In doing so, he learns about the nature of man, of gods, and of war. He also learns there are no easy answers—for gods or men.

Inte den mest lockande omslaget för mig men jag gillar Japanskt kultur. Ser jag den här i bibblan så kanske jag plockar upp den. 


Titel: Loss
Serie: Riders of the Apocalypse 3
Författare: Jackie Morse Kessler 

Fifteen-year-old Billy Ballard is the kid that everyone picks on, from the school bullies to the teachers. But things change drastically when Death tells Billy he must stand in as Pestilence, the White Rider of the Apocalypse. Now armed with a Bow that allows him to strike with disease from a distance, Billy lashes out at his tormentors…and accidentally causes an outbreak of meningitis. Horrified by his actions, Billy begs Death to take back the Bow. For that to happen, says Death, Billy must track down the real White Rider—who is lost in his memories. 

In his search, Billy travels through White Rider’s life: from ancient Phrygia, where the man called King Mita agrees to wear the White Rider’s Crown, to Sherwood Forest, where Pestilence figures out how to cheat Death; from the docks of Alexandria, where cartons of infested grain are being packed onto a ship that will carry the plague, to the Children’s Crusade in France—all the way to what may be the end of the world. When Billy finally finds the White Rider, the teen convinces the man to return to the real world. 

But now the insane White Rider plans to unleash something awful on humanity—something that could make the Black Death look like a summer cold. Billy has a choice: he can live his life and pretend he doesn’t know what’s coming, or he can challenge the White Rider for his Crown. Does one bullied teenager have the strength to stand his ground—and the courage to save the world?

Har läst och recenserat den första boken i serien, Hunger. Mycket intressant koncept med ungdomar som får jobba som Apokalypsens ryttare.


Titel: Pinch Hit 
Författare: Tim Green

Trevor and Sam are nearly identical in appearance, but their lives couldn’t be any more different. Trevor has a lead role in a major feature film and lives in a Bel Air mansion. But even though he seems to have everything, he can’t get the one thing he truly wants: the opportunity to play baseball for real.

Eftersom jag är extremt icke-sportintresserad så lär jag inte läsa den här boken men det finns säkert andra som gillar den. 


Titel: Seeing Cinderella
Författare: Jenny Lundquist 

Calliope Meadow Anderson wishes her life could be more of a fairy tale—just like the stories she writes. Her best friend, Ellen, is acting weird, her parent’s marriage is falling apart, and to top things off, she found out she needs hideously large and geeky glasses. 

But Callie soon learns they aren’t just any glasses—they are magical and let her read people’s thoughts. For the first time ever she’s answering all the questions right in math class, and gets a glimpse of what goes through people’s minds all day, including what Ellen—and her longtime crush—really think of her. 

As if dealing with these crazy glasses weren’t enough, Callie tries out for the lead in her school’s production of Cinderella and actually gets the part. Instead, Callie chooses to let Ellen have the lead and be Ellen’s understudy—just like she has done for their entire friendship. 

Add in a new girl who has something to hide, a secret admirer, a best friend stealer who isn’t what she seems, and Callie’s year just went from ordinary to extraordinary. 

Can this supporting actress learn to be a leading lady in her own life? Or is she destined to stay in the background forever—even with her super-freaky-magic glasses?

Författarens namn låter väldigt svenskt men vad jag vet så är hon uppvuxen i USA. 


Titel: The Divide
Serie: The Secret Circle 4
Författare: L. J. Smith

Keep your enemies close. . . . 

For the first time since moving to New Salem, Cassie Blake feels normal. She’s dating her soul mate Adam and making new friends in town. But between the secret coven of witches she belongs to and the incredible power she holds within her, Cassie is leading a far from ordinary life. When tragedy strikes the Circle, Cassie realizes being extraordinary can be a curse. 

The Circle is being hunted by an unknown enemy—and anyone could be the next victim. As they struggle to protect themselves, alliances are formed and relationships are tested. No one knows who to trust or who to fear. Will Cassie be able to save the Circle . . . and herself? Or will her choices break it apart forever?

Inte haft chansen att läsa första boken i serien än, men jag ska hålla fortsätta hålla utkik efter den i biblioteket!


Titel: The World of the Hunger Games
Författare: Kate Egan 

The definitive, richly illustrated, full-color guide to all the districts of Panem, all the participants in “The Hunger Games,” and the life and home of Katniss Everdeen.

Wohoo Hunger Games!!! Snart har filmen premiär och jag skäms faktiskt lite för att inte ha skaffat biljetter än. Men se filmen ska jag absolut göra! Den här boken vill jag ha!


Titel: Those That Wake 
Författare: Jesse Karp

New York City’s spirit has been crushed. People walk the streets with their heads down, withdrawing from one another and into the cold comfort of technology. Teenagers Mal and Laura have grown up in this reality. They’ve never met. Seemingly, they never will. 

But on the same day Mal learns his brother has disappeared, Laura discovers her parents have forgotten her. Both begin a search for their families that leads them to the same truth: someone or something has wiped the teens from the memories of every person they have ever known. Thrown together, Mal and Laura must find common ground as they attempt to reclaim their pasts.

En dystopi! Lite tråkig framsida måste jag säga, men man ska ju inte döma en bok efter omslaget.


Titel: Traitor’s Son
Serie: The Raven Duet 2
Författare: Hilari Bell

In Trickster’s Girl, when Kesla’s journey comes to an end, she pass the pouch and the quest on to someone else. She picks Jason, a native boy she thinks will be able to finish the job. But in fact, a family feud has cut Jason off from his traditional roots, and he is even more doubtful and resistant than Kesla was. But Raven, now a beautiful girl, is quite persuasive and manages to convince Jason this is something not only that he can do, but that he must if he wants to heal his family and the earth.

Jag är väldigt nyfiken på Hilari Bells böcker. Måste köpa hem någon av hennes serier snart. 


Titel: When You Open Your Eyes
Författare: Celeste Conway

The more you love, the more you stand to lose….Tessa’s head over heels for Lucien, the son of a French diplomat. Sexy, artistic, and daring, he brings out a completely new side of her. With him, Tessa feels beautiful and exotic. So when Tessa’s strict father forbids her to see Lucien, she’s determined to keep their relationship a secret.But as Tessa gets caught up in Lucien, he becomes increasingly volatile. What she once found alluring about him now feels alarming. Tessa must figure out how far she’ll go for Lucien before she risks losing not just him, but everything she loves.

Låter okej, ingen bok jag tänker köpa men kan mycket väl tänka mig att låna. 


Titel: Wonder Show
Författare: Hannah Barnaby 

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, friends and neighbors, allow me to change your lives! Step inside Mosco’s Traveling Wonder Show! You’ve read about them in magazines, these so-called human curiosities, this tribe of misfits—now come and see for yourselves. We’ve got a gent as tall as a tree, a lady with a beard, and don’t miss your chance to see the Wild Albinos of Bora Bora! Ask Madame Doula to peer into your future (only two dollars more if you want to know how you’re going to die).

And between these covers behold the greatest act of our display—Portia Remini, the strangest of the menagerie because she’s a ‘normal’ among the freaks, searching for a new beginning on the bally, far away from McGreavey’s Home for Wayward Girls, where Mister watches and waits. He said he would always find Portia, said she could never leave . . . 

Oh, it’s not for the faint of heart folks. If you’re prone to nightmares or you’ve got a weak ticker, you’d best move on. Within these pages lies a tale of abandonment, loss, misfortune for the rich and glory for the poor (and a little murder doesn’t hurt). It’s a story for the ages, but be warned: once you enter the Wonder Show you will never be the same.

Gillar ju cirkus så den här låter intressant. Inget lockande omslag dock.


Titel: Tro, hopp eller kärlek
Serie: Timotej af Lilja 2
Författare: Lina Forss

Kärlekstrassel och lyxliv i London! 

Det första hon ser är hans smala höfter, sedan är det kört – hon kan inte sluta tänka på honom. Men är hon kär? Och vad gör man när killen man gillar vill ha sex på sätt som gör att man rodnar dagen efter? Lina Forss skriver fångande och träffsäkert i den efterlängtade uppföljaren till “Kär i kärleken”. 

17-åriga Timmys Londonliv har vänts upp och ned, och mamma och plastpappan Örjan ska skiljas. Snälla Örjan förvandlas till ett snäsande monster, medan Caesar, värdelösaste pappan i stan, plötsligt vill börja ta ansvar och hjälpa till. Mitt i alltihopa träffar Timmy Liam som är 25 år, lång och charmig och alldeles perfekt. Men vem är han, egentligen? Och vad vill han med Timmy? När relationen djupnar och attraktionen blir större glider Timmy allt längre bort från sitt vanliga liv och sina närmaste kompisar. Snart befinner hon sig mitt i något som inte är alldeles lätt att ta sig ur. För vad gör man när huvudet bestämt säger nej men kroppen bara skriker ja? 

Inte läst något av Lina Forss tidigare men är nyfiken.


För mig är Croak utan tvekan den mest intressanta boken denna vecka. Får den bra recensioner så ska jag absolut köpa den. Sen tycker jag även att ATemptation of Angels låter lockande. “Hunger Games”-boken vill jag ha för att jag älskar Hunger Games 🙂

Vilken bok tycker ni verkar vara mest intressant?


Posted by on March 19, 2012 in Veckans YA-boksläpp


2 responses to “Nya YA-boksläpp Vecka 12!

  1. Zozzo

    March 19, 2012 at 19:52

    Jag ser verkligen fram emot A Temptation of Angels! Och omslaget är ju bara så fint 😀

    • Anna - Boktycke

      March 20, 2012 at 11:48

      Håller med om att omslaget är super! Fast de enda två paranormal romance-serier jag har läst hittills (Hush, hush och Fallen) har inte varit så bra.


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